Meet The Team
We Get By With A
Little Help From Our Friends!
Meet The Team
Steven O’Brien:
Marketing Assistant
Steven O’Brien Jr. graduated from Western New England University in 2018, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Media Theory and Production, and a Minor in Theater. Steven was also a former Cloud 9 Intern and returned to join the team full-time in May of 2021. Steven is an avid New England Patriots fan, and also has a YouTube channel, a Twitch channel, and a podcast.
Giuliana DePergola:
Marketing Assistant
Steven O’Brien: Marketing Assistant
Steven O’Brien Jr. graduated from Western New England University in 2018, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Media Theory and Production, and a Minor in Theater. Steven was also a former Cloud 9 Intern and returned to join the team full-time in May of 2021. Steven is an avid New England Patriots fan, and also has a YouTube channel, a Twitch channel, and a podcast.
Samantha Blau:
Marketing Assistant
Dylan Pilon
Dylan Pilon has been meeting organizational marketing and sales goals since he was a teen. Two and a half years after launching his career as a Digital Marketing Specialist with a Fortune 500 Company, Dylan was recruited to join a family-operated business within the industrial tooling sector.
During this time, Dylan earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, with a concentration in Marketing, from the Isenberg School of Management at UMass Amherst.
Before exiting the corporate world in 2016, Dylan oversaw international sales of $100M per year, as well as a quarter million dollar advertising budget.
Since Cloud 9’s 2014 launch, Dylan has been working alongside businesses that range from startups and solopreneurs, to some of the most recognizable brands in New England.
Dylan is also Harvard educated in “Rhetoric: The Art of Persuasive Writing and Public Speaking”, earning an A+ in the course.
Dylan has been featured in:
Cloud 9 Marketing Group
Community Impact
Cloud 9
Marketing Group
Scholarship Fund
Founded in 2019, The Cloud 9 Marketing Group Scholarship is an annual scholarship given to an East Longmeadow High School senior interested in pursuing a career in marketing or starting their own business. Dylan Pilon is a 2009 graduate of ELHS.
Community College
Alumni Foundation
Since 2020, Dylan Pilon has pledged to annually match $10 for every alumni donation, up to $1,000. These monies benefit the HCC Alumni Foundation. Dylan is also part of the Alumni Mentoring Program, as well as contracting as a Business Administration Program Evaluator.
Ronald McDonald
House Planned Giving
Advisory Committee
Since 2019, Dylan has worked with Chief Development Officer Dick Popilowski to secure funds for the Springfield and New Haven Ronald McDonald Houses.
Guest Speaker / Panelist
Dylan has had the pleasure of speaking or presenting to the following organizations:
- Holyoke Community College
- Western New England University
- Westfield State University
- Bay Path University
- Elms College
- Merrimack College
- Central Connecticut State University
- Massachusetts Business Development Council
- Center for Women & Enterprise
- Valley Venture Mentors
- The East of the River Five Town Chamber of Commerce (ERC5)
- East Longmeadow High School
- Westfield High School
- Springfield Renaissance School
- Junior Achievement
Sponsor / Donor
- Holyoke Community College
- Western New England University
- Open Pantry of Springfield, MA
- Ronald McDonald House
- American Red Cross
- Knights of Columbus
- Trinity Health of New England
- Shriners Hospital
- The East of the River Five Town Chamber of Commerce (ERC5)
- Local Athletic Teams
Volunteer / Community Service
Dylan has had the pleasure of volunteering to support the following organizations:
- The East of the River Five Town Chamber of Commerce (ERC5)
- Executive Board Vice President (2023 – 2025)
- Board of Directors (2022 – 2028)
- Marketing Committee Chair (2022 – 2028)
- International Business Committee (2021 – Present)
- Living Local 413
- Board of Directors (2022 – Present)
- Media Advisory Comm. Member (2022-Present)
- Marketing Chair (2017 – 2022)
- Ronald McDonald House
- Planned Giving Advisory Committee (2019 – Present)
- Habitat for Humanity
- Business Network International (BNI)
- Wilbraham Chapter Member (2016 – Present)
- Former Vice President, Membership Committee, Growth Coordinator
- Town of East Longmeadow Earth Day Committee
- Junior Achievement
- “JA in a Day”
- Mock Interviews
- Square One
- Elms College
- Springfield Renaissance School